There are a lot of DevOps consulting companies and Managed Service Providers (MSP). Let’s understand what’s the difference and what you can receive from both.
The main idea of DevOps consulting is actually consulting. Such companies provide consulting services. You might receive the consulting about your issue or situation and design a strategy for solving it. But you wouldn’t get a real solution. There are Managed Service Providers for solving problems, DevOps transformation and other practical things. MSPs are often called DevOps consulting firms and they can provide both consulting and practical solutions, but there still is some little misunderstanding. So, we offer to discuss what you can receive and what company to prefer.
What does an MSP and DevOps consulting company provide?
Well, both provide consulting. Usually, MSPs have wider experience and more turnkey solutions. Also, MSP can provide a dedicated team for your project.

DevOps consulting as a process includes assessment of the current system, finding bottlenecks and designing the plan or strategy of future actions. MSP companies do the same and also can make the plan a reality. They can provide a dedicated team that will work on your project, make the plan, implement DevOps methodology, makes some changes with infrastructure and more. Thus, the choice depends on your business needs.
If you have your own team but you’re getting stuck in some part of development, DevOps consulting is the right choice. You’ll get a consultation from a more experienced company that will help you to create a strategy for further problem solving or company development.
If you need to implement new methodologies or tools, or you need to hire a team of specialists for your project, MSP is a better choice. You’ll get turnkey solutions and implementation of best practices in a short time. Dedicated teams are also very useful for your business because hiring in-house is not cost-efficient. You’ll need to pay for recruiting and also pay the team after the project will end. Thus, referring to the MSP is a real solution.
What you can receive from DevOps consulting MSP?

Talking about DevOps we can’t avoid mentioning how complicated the implementation is. The main idea is to redesign the whole process of software development. DevOps team makes software development lifecycle different. It includes a lot of steps and affects all the teams working with the project. DevOps transformation might include both implementation of new tools and practices, and redesigning the whole system or creating it from scratch. So, it is pretty hard to implement DevOps methodology without appropriate experience. This is especially true for legacy systems when the project needs very experienced specialists.
Final thoughts: the goal defines the tool
As you can see, services from MSP and DevOps consulting have similar steps but services from MSP are much wider. We can’t say that one company is bad and another is good. Every company has its clients and you should choose based on your goals and needs.

If you need some small consultation, choose the DevOps consulting company. If you need a lot of services including the implementation of new tools and technologies MSP will suit better.
Anyway, choose wisely and try to find a reliable partner for your project. With reliable DevOps consulting or MSP, your business will prosper and projects will work with the newest technologies.